Hello, friends!


If you have come to this site, it’s for one of two reasons:

1) I invited you on facebook, and you clicked the link.

2) You stumbled upon this by chance (lucky you)

Either way… welcome! I’ll give you the quick scoop of the purpose of this blog. Basically, I’m spending six months in Prague and two weeks in Bosnia. After having so many people begging to be put on an email list, I’ve deemed it to be easier to just blog about it and pass around the link. Problem solved. So, here I am. I hope to write at least once every other week. Once a week would be nice, but I’m not sure how much time I’ll have.

I’ll be blogging pictures, stories, and even some personal things that my friends might find interesting to learn. I’ll be in need of a lot of prayer. (If you’ve stumbled upon this, here’s your Christian pre-warning. Be prepared to see the names Jesus, God, and Holy Spirit; hear a ton about prayer and the gospel; and have a chance to read the point-of-view from a God-loving girl. If you hate that type of stuff–run now. I welcome you to stick around, but you have been warned.) So be ready!

I’m so happy you’re joining me on this grand adventure!


Please pray for…

support while I’m on my own at the Prague Film School;

my family that I will be staying with before that, for two months;

the Bosnia mission trip, for prepared people and my prepared heart

About TheStoryteller

I am not a tourist. I do not travel to see the sites or experience the traps. I do not spend money for souvenirs. I do not wear sunscreen, socks with sandals, Bermuda shorts, Hawaiian shirts, binoculars, a camera, a visor, or a fanny pack. I am the anti-tourist. I travel for culture and growth. I eat the food of the country, no matter how strange or foreign. I embrace the traditions, study the history, and love on those who welcome me with open arms. Even the ones who don't. This is the blog that follows my travels from Bosnia na Herzegovina to the Czech Republic to South Korea and beyond. Maybe you'll learn a few tips along the way. Maybe not. Whatever the reason you are here… It's nice to meet you!

2 responses »

  1. Dear Kristyna!
    Love you girl, looking forward to following your (and His) great adventure this summer!!


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